Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reaping the wind through this mortal shell...

A lot of stuff in the news today.  Some bad, some worse.  Gas prices are going to go up in our great state of Ohio by summer.  Good thing I went with a small SUV instead of a huge gas-sucking monstrosity like I was looking at prior.  That and I should only have a few things left to tinker with on the Honda, and we should be golden.


I have been reading a lot of , let's say, conspiratorial writings lately.  When you have a lot of downtime on the job, the only thing left to do is the internet! So, after reading all the usual drivel on Yahoo!, CNN, and MSN (which pretty much carry all the same stories),  I began looking at some links that were on a Facebook friend of mine's page regarding a whole host of conspiracy theories and other possibly outrageous stories.  Here is the link that I came across yesterday...

Now if you go to it, you're going to be floored by the craziness of it all.  The theories of a reptilian race that holds dominion over us all is just a bit too much for me to swallow.  But I found some of the subsequent links rather interesting.  I'm not going to post all of them on here, but I'll just leave the one above up for people to look at because that's just the diving board in to the possibly crazy sea of insanity I was looking at last night.  The amount of information is absolutely staggering.  I couldn't believe how much time and effort was put into the compiling of all these theories.  But then I began to imagine, what if it was all true?  What if thousands of years ago, human were battling with nuclear weaponry as these crazy papers purported?  There is a file on there regarding the area in India that has a blanket of ash on it that has been carbon dated as being old as hell, but the only way it could have came about was through an atomic blast.  That was what really got me hooked into reading deeper into all of this madness.

But is it truly madness?  Could any of it have a single iota of truth to it?  Could we as humans had at one time been even further along technologically than we are now thousands of years ago?  I really believe that there is probably some logical explanation for these things, but they are some curious theories to have.  I mean, it does sound straight out of Star Trek, but if any of it was true then things on this planet would be a bit different.  Everything that we know or have been taught about in life would be false or based on falsehoods.  Things would become absolutely chaotic the world over.  But it's all just theory so we should be good :)

Aside from the crazy, I've got a lot of upcoming projects and the what not coming up.  I am going to be moving out of my current home to another, more spacious place, and I have many things I need to accomplish between now and then.  Here's the tentative list:

-Patch hole in bathroom ceiling from chincy shower curtain-rod thing

-Fix Honda

-Get married

-Do taxes

-Paint bedroom door

-Fix door knob in kids room

-Steam clean carpets

-Somehow remove wax from carpet (lol)

That's just a start.  I am going to assess this weekend everything that needs done, and hopefully it wont be a huge hit in the pocketbook.  We'll see.


  1. The wax from carpet .....don't works and I hard amazed ppl w it. Get a few old towels you can throw away....get your clothing iron out. ...lay the towel over the wax...then iron over it moving the towel to a clean spot everytime. The iron heats the eaz and the towel sucks it up.

  2. lol I figured. I will try that method, Thank you for the tip!
