Yes, I know my last post was rather lackluster in terms of subject matter. Apologies. I really never intended on writing a blog again, and now that I've decided to do it again, I'm trying to find some decent subject matter to focus on with each post. The last thing I want to do is write a boring-ass blog about the random, mundane and insipid little things that occur during my day. Alas, it seems to me that it is beginning to spiral down in that direction.
But, of course me being the ever-vigilant person that I am, I will not let my blog fall into mediocrity.
So, our nation has a bit of a worldwide political shitstorm on it's hands , right? Were currently weighing our options for voting in a new (or keeping the old) President in office, the bickering between us, Israel, and Iran seems to escalate and dwindle all in the same day, with the ever-fluctuating gas prices serving as our barometer regarding the issues between us. Meh... It's all the same isn't it? I for one, am growing tired of hearing about the same old, same old....
Whatever happened to inspiration? Was it cheapened once everyone began copying each other in almost every aspect in life? What happened to originality? I have't witnessed anything bearing one original thought in it's framework in a very long time.
"But, Jonny, what about the Ipad? That's a pretty original creation right there." An over-sized and over-priced Iphone? No thanks.
Speaking of Ipad's/Iphone's.....
During the whole Occupy silliness (because that's really what it was : silly.), I noticed so many people protesting, spread all over the nation, and complaining about Wall Street, Government, and a myriad of other topics. I also noticed how many of these people owned Ipad's, Iphone's, or any other comparable product that costs a good bit of money to obtain and to keep up to date as far as monthly data fee's, etc. How in the hell were all these people out protesting for days about not having jobs or whatever, but could afford the electronics that were being toted around? I read so many times on the news how social media played a huge part in the organization of the protests, but how can all these people afford the tech? I f they don't have jobs, how are they paying for these nice toys?
I personally don't own an Iphone. Or Ipad. Sure they are nice and all, but it's not necessary, and plus the upkeep for one doesn't seem like it would even be worth it, for me anyways. I have only owned one Apple product and that was an Ipod like 6 years ago that got stolen out of my car. Oh well. But I couldn't get my head around all these people protesting about how they don't make any money or they lost their job or whatever, and they have these items? I know I must sound redundant by now regarding this matter, but it just kind of dumbfounded me. Then it hit. Mommy and daddy money.
If you take a look at the demographic majority of the Occupy movement....'ll see that the majority of them are employed , single, and make less than 25k a year. Ok, I make a little over that but not very much, and I am married (very soon to be anyway) and I support others besides myself. Yeah, I could probably use an extra five grand a year or so, but I have no problem when it comes to paying my bills. I have money left over each month for various things. I go out and do the things I want to do when I want to do it. There are some things I would like offered to me by my employer, but I'm used to working my way up the ladder when it comes to my job. I realize that hard work is what it took to get me to my current position, and that's what it's going to take to get to the next step up. Not some kid straight out of college (who has no loans for himself, because their parents paid for it all), protesting about things they barely even know about. The last thing I want , and I mean this as no offense towards any of the younger gen out there just getting into the working world, is some kid who doesnt know his head from his ass speaking for the "majority" of the country when it comes to how the real world works. I will admit that at first the movement kind of grabbed my attention and at first I was supportive. But then I realized that all these kids were just complaining about shit that's gone on for a long time, and that no matter what, it's going to keep going on. Even the older people who were "Occupying" didn't even seem to know what the hell was going on. Occupy, as far as I am concerned was just a huge excuse for college kids to get out of class for the day with the blessing of their political science instructors. I said it. Love me or Hate me, I don't give a shit. I've busted my ass for everything I ever had, and I am glad. It makes you appreciate things more, instead of just being handed everything and discounting it all as expendable.
Now, I don't pretend to know everything about the whole movement or whatever. I'm sure that I'm probably way off base about a few things in that regard. Don't really care though. I know better than to take things at face value, and I always look deeper into matters I don't truly understand. It's just when I looked deeper into that, I saw nothing really of note. Just a group of people who thought they could stand outside of places and camp out, trying to shove the idealism of the 60's down the throats of corporate America. Silly. Corporate America is what made the Hippie movement what it was back in the day! Ask Google where LSD came from, and what it was used for before it was marketed illegally to the youth of the nation. the CIA has already admitted to testing it on mind control, and there are voices out there that say that the 60's-70's was nothing more than a huge, nationwide science project in regards to mind control.
OK, I may be skirting the spooky side of things a bit. I'm really not one to express belief in conspiracies and such (though last week I read through more than my fair share of them; I read so many off the wall stories about our evil government, that it made my head hurt).
Not really sure what kind of point I'm trying to drive home here. I sympathize with those who need it, and I am all for doling out a scolding when it's necessary. I know my randomness can be infuriating at times, maybe I am ADD.
I think what I should say is, I have never felt like I was entitled to anything. You make your own life, your own world, your own hell. Everything that ever happens to a person, good or bad, is in direct connection to them and their actions in life. That's my belief. I guess you could say it's Karma, though that's not exactly part of my belief base, but I do think about it a lot. Over the last few years or so, I have really tried to make it a point to think my actions through, no matter how small. I know that everything that I do in life affects others in some way, shape, form or another. I try to base my decisions on how I am going to affect that other person, I really do. This life is truly a blessing. People should start treating it for what it is. Stop blaming others for the strife you suffer, and pull yourself up from your feet and do what you got to do. I don't ever forget where I came from. Ten years ago, I was a pathetic excuse of a human. I got what I deserved, though at the time I was too messed up to even realize it. I lost everything I ever had once, and had literally nothing to go off of. I lived in a trailer with no heat in the middle of the woods of Perry County for close to 3 years. I've made significant gains, and major losses. But I have never blamed anyone but myself if I ever came up short.
You could say that now things are looking up for me and mine. It is, I'll agree, but there is much more work to be done, and instead of being angry and blaming corporations and Wall Street for my problems, I realize that all my problems were in effect created by my actions/inactions. I think that's something a lot of people could start realizing. Sure, there is a lot of bad luck out there for people and families, but instead of reading those Yahoo! stories about a family living on food stamps out of the back of a van and tearing up about it, you should read a little deeper between the lines. Sometimes the reason bad things happen to people, is because bad people do bad or stupid things, and they get what they deserve. I understand when a person goes to a food pantry so they can feed themselves and their family, I've been there. But people who draw attention to their plights and ask for handouts from everyone, I don't buy it at face value. Some people out there legitimately need help with various things, but the ones that are constantly having their hands out, those are the ones you want to watch out for, because they have no desire to better their situation, because they wouldn't still be doing it. Granted, if you have a real disability or something, I can understand the need for help. But it's the other ones you have to watch out for, the true bottom-feeder's. (end rant)
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